Nature and Landscape

Cesano Valley

The name identifies the Cesano river and the place. The valley is made up of a small plain, with lots of hills, knolls castles and ancient towns still inhabited. Place with a high density of vegetation and interesting woodland: monumental oaks, trees and shrubs, many old olive groves.


Floodplains and river beds represent an environment of great attraction for the local wildlife in particular the Purple Heron and Mallard. There are also sea birds (herring gull and cormorant).


We are definitely facing a place rich in vegetation and also an interesting woodland almost completely disappeared. In close proximity to water the most common tree species is the red willow, while in drier areas the poplar grove.


Along the banks of the Cesano river have surfaced numerous 50 thousand years old tree trunks kept enclosed by thick layers of clay. These unexpected findings are witnessing today a great coniferous forest present about 50,000 years ago in Cesano Valley. Some radiocarbon geochronology analyzes have been made of the fossil find dating the Fossil Forest at an age between 44 thousand and 60 thousand years.


There are many initiatives to restore and enhance the Cesano river mouth, The Bruciata Poplar Grove, the protected floristic oasis “Selva di Montedoro”, in addition to protect the rural landscape in the Trocco Valley and to enhance the Montedoro archaeological area. The improven poplar grove is now a destination for many visitors and students to rediscover the contact with nature and enjoy some time to relax You can make tours on foot, horseback or bicycle, you can follow the main roads or narrow paths.